How Much Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

How Much Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

It’s a question we are certainly asked often, and as you might expect, it is not a simple question to answer as there are a myriad of factors that influence what you may be awarded should your claim proceed to trial.

The idea of compensation in a personal injury claim is to return the injured person to the same state/position that they would be in had they not been injured (as best as possible).  It may sound straight forward, however there are various considerations that are taken into account when making an assessment of an injured person’s damages.

Often, the most complicated part of this assessment is determining what level or degree of loss or damage will be sustained into the future as a result of the injury.  Common examples of future damages can include a future loss of income, or for future expenses that may be incurred for medical treatment and recovery.

Nobody, including our specialist team of personal injury lawyers, has a crystal ball in order to see into the future and determine exactly what financial impact an injury will have on a person.  It means there is always a certain level of speculation for all calculations concerning future loss and damage. The level of speculation impacts the amount of compensation you are awarded, but there are ways to help reduce the amount of guesswork in your claim if you have the right legal assistance.

This is why it is imperative you engage a team of experienced personal injury lawyers if you have been injured and are and are pursuing a claim for compensation or damages. They will offer valuable guidance as to what evidence you can provide to help to reduce the level of speculation involved in calculating future damages in your claim in order to maximize the compensation available to you.

Bradford Legal are experienced solicitors, dedicated to obtaining the compensation you deserve as a result of your personal injury. Our experienced team will review and lodge your claim and guide you through the entire legal process. We specialise in cases like yours, ensuring the very best results are achieved, and we pride ourselves on our personal approach to advising you and being there every step of the way. Get in touch with our team today and start the process to getting the compensation you deserve.

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START YOUR CLAIM Step One To Receiving The Compensation You Deserve