Top 3 Reasons To Choose Our Award Winning Personal Injury Claims Team

Top 3 Reasons to Choose Our Award-Winning Team to Ensure You Get the Best Possible Result in Your Personal Injury Claim

Whether you have been injured at work, in a motor vehicle accident, or as a result of medical negligence, our team can help reduce the stress of making a claim by working with you to explain the relevant legislation around your rights and explore all potential compensation claims meaning you are not left to try and work it all out on your own.

Our reputation as one of Perth’s most trusted law firms is built on our award-winning high levels of experience, expertise, and energy. Bradford Legal specialise in cases like yours, ensuring the very best results are achieved and advising you every step of the way.

Making a personal injury claim can be a complex, convoluted process. There are many reasons we advocate for engaging our professional representation, here we touch on just our top three. By engaging Bradford Legal to represent you, you can not only ensure you get the best result and the most compensation possible, but you also mitigate the additional stress that making a claim can put on you and your loved ones.


At Bradford Legal, our team of highly experienced solicitors are dedicated to obtaining the compensation you deserve and will be there to review and lodge your claim with you, carefully guiding you through the entire process. We know the system well and we pride ourselves on providing relevant advice whilst drawing on our nearly 30 years’ experience representing clients all over Perth to achieve maximum results.


There are time limits for a personal injury claim in WA and a specific process to follow for lodging personal injury claims. Our experienced team will help you manage the entire process from start to finish and having Bradford Legal on your side will help safeguard you from the legal manoeuvres used by defendants to try and reject your claim.


We fight skilfully on your behalf, delivering outcomes that make a world of difference to you and your family during your recovery from your injury. Our team is here to guide you throughout your legal journey and provide you with the information you need, advocating for you so that you can spend time getting better whilst we work hard to deliver the compensation you deserve.

You do not have to go through this alone, so if you have been affected by injury or loss in Western Australia, we are here to fight for the compensation you deserve. To book your obligation free appointment, get in touch with our team today.

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START YOUR CLAIM Step One To Receiving The Compensation You Deserve