The Case of Phillip Hughes

The recent incident involving the tragic death of Australian cricketer, Phillip Hughes, whilst playing the sport he loved, highlights the significant risk of injury associated with some sporting endeavours.

In the case of Hughes, he was struck in the neck by a short delivery, similar to countless other short deliveries he had faced and played without injury over the course of his cricketing career.

Tragic Death of Phillip Hughes

Mr Hughes was struck in an unusual place, namely his neck near the ear, which was not protected by the batting helmet that he was wearing at the time.

Questions have now arisen as to the adequacy of helmets worn by junior and senior cricketers alike, and in particular, as to whether their design is sufficient to properly protect a batsman from the risk of significant injury.

It is mandatory in most junior competitions for not only batsmen but wicketkeepers to wear head protection in the form of approved helmets. These helmets significantly reduce the risk of injury associated with being struck by a solid and heavy cricket ball in the vulnerable head area.

In many sports where there is contact, such as football and rugby, or where high velocity balls or other projectiles are present, such as cricket, hockey and ice hockey, there is an ongoing risk of injury to the participants.

From the point of view of compensation, it can be difficult to obtain compensation for injuries suffered whilst engaging in recreational sporting endeavours.

In some cases where the failure or design of equipment has caused or contributed to the injury or its seriousness, issues as to liability may arise.

BRADFORD LEGAL are in a position to advise with respect to issues such as liability arising under insurance policies for personal injury and product liability matters.

Please feel free to contact Bradford Legal personal injury lawyers for specific advice on these issues.

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