Injured at Work?

If you have fallen victim to an injury or accident at work, you could be eligible to claim workers compensation. Our experienced and dedicated team of workers compensation lawyers can help you achieve fair compensation based on the treatment required, medical expenses, days required off work due to the injury as well as whether you have been left with a permanent impairment.

It can be overwhelming to think about making a claim while you are recovering from a workplace incident, but it is important you do your best to ensure that your legal team have everything they need in order to get the very best result for you.

Our top 5 tips:

1) When you discuss/report to your GP, be as clear and thorough as you can in your description and recollection of the event. The smallest details can make a big impact in your claim and you will inevitably be able to recall the incident most accurately if you do this ASAP. Make notes and/or take photos so you can clearly explain the events to your GP.

2) Understand that if your claim is rejected initially, you can and should dispute the decision. It is very important to seek legal advice about your claim’s merits instead of simply letting it go, and our team can advise you on the ramifications (if there are any) and legal costs of challenging a rejection of your claim.

3) Realise that your employer is insured to cover all manner of workplace incidents and injuries. Making a claim is not necessarily blaming them for the incident, and you are well within your rights as an employee to seek fair compensation for time off required, treatment for injury/injuries sustained. These costs do not come out of your employers back pocket, they pay insurance premiums to cover these costs, so you have nothing to feel bad about for claiming workers compensation if you have been hurt at work.

4) Time is of the essence with workers compensation claims, so it is important that you make a claim as soon as possible following the event and once you have seen your doctor.

5) Seek professional legal advice from Bradford Legal. Our team specialise in workers compensation claims in Perth, so we are highly experienced in maximising compensation outcomes for our clients. You can contact our team to discuss your situation and so we can assess if we can assist you based on your personal circumstances and our thorough knowledge of the legal system in WA specifically.

Workers compensation claims can be difficult to understand and can be daunting for employees who may be unsure where to start, or if they will be fairly treated upon return to work by their employer. Our Perth based experts can help provide the necessary legal advice and information regarding your claim. So, if you have been injured at work in Western Australia, we are here to fight for the compensation you deserve. To book your obligation free appointment, get in touch with our team today.

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START YOUR CLAIM Step One To Receiving The Compensation You Deserve