Is It Hard to Pursue a Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury claim?

Injuries from a car accident can affect the quality of your life for a long time after the incident, and the experience can have a lasting and detrimental effect on your finances, too. No matter the degree of your injuries, pursuing personal injury claims in Western Australia can be overwhelming which is why we suggest you contact our team to seek their advice on the best course of action in your particular situation.

It doesn’t have to be hard to make a claim, especially when you have us on your side. To give you an idea of what is involved, the basic criteria for making a claim in WA is:

– You sustained injuries during the crash whether you were the driver, a passenger, a cyclist, or a pedestrian.

– A relative was fatally injured in the accident (and you were financially or otherwise dependent on that relative)

– The accident was not wholly your fault. If you were partly at fault, a pro-rata claim for your loss and damages can potentially be made.

It is important also to note that if your injuries are catastrophic but you are not able to prove fault of the other driver, you may still be able to claim for catastrophic injuries support.

Our team of experienced motor vehicle compensation lawyers will ask you about the accident in order to help determine the level of compensation available to you, for example:

– Eyewitness accounts – did anyone see the accident, and do you have a written or video statement?

– Do you have medical reports relating to your injuries?

– Can you provide proof of support you received post-crash (could be financial assistance from family or friends)

– Do you have proof of any lost wages? (required if you are looking to make a claim for loss of income).

As you can start to see already, trying to lodge a motor vehicle compensation claim for personal injuries without engaging a lawyer look over the forms and provide valuable advice may result in you being awarded much less than you deserve, or worse, the claim being rejected altogether.

Bradford Legal’s Perth based team of experienced and dedicated motor vehicle accident personal injury lawyers will fight on your behalf for the compensation you deserve as a result of your personal injury, suffered as a result of the car accident or loss.

We provide legal advice at every step so you can understand more about motor vehicle accident compensation and what you are able to claim as a result. For more information or to see if we can help you, contact our friendly team today.

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START YOUR CLAIM Step One To Receiving The Compensation You Deserve