Bradford Legal notes with sadness the passing of former Supreme Court Chief Justice David Malcolm on 20 October 2014.

David Malcolm was a giant of the WA legal profession and served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from May 1988 to May 2006 a record term of 18 years.

Passing Of Former Supreme Court Chief Justice David Malcolm

In his time as Chief Justice David Malcolm touched many people and he was known for his balance and leadership as a judge.

During his time as a judge, David Malcolm reformed the Supreme Court and introduced technology for greater efficiency. He was particularly interested in reducing the delays inherent in the justice system.

David Malcolm pioneered aboriginal liaison officers, oversaw procedures for the giving of evidence by children and worked carefully with the media to ensure understanding and accurate reporting of court matters.

Prior to being appointed as Chief Justice, David Malcolm graduated from the University of Western Australia and then attended Oxford University as a Rhode Scholar.

After his retirement from the bench in May 2006, David Malcolm assumed a professorship at Notre Dame University and also served on many committees and boards. He remained committed to the principles of fairness and equality before the law throughout.

Bradford Legal expresses its condolences to David Malcolm’s family and mourns his passing.

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