Heavy Lifting Still A Major Cause Of Back Injuries In The Workplace

In a recent case handled by Bradford Legal, a client had to lift gates onto the back of a semi-trailer with his arms spread apart. The effect of this was to place a high degree of pressure on the lumbar spine which caused significant injury eventually resulting in a two level spinal fusion.

The case highlights the fact that the majority of injuries in the workplace are to the spine as a result of manual handling including bending, carrying and lifting activities.

Allegation of negligence can be made against an employer. The employer has a duty of care to ensure that manual handling is conducted in a safe manner and that workers are provided with sufficient assistance and instructions.

Bradford Legal has conducted hundreds of claims for back injuries suffered in the workplace. The issue in terms of negligence includes (a) whether other workers could have provided assistance; (b) whether there were any mechanical aids such as cranes and lifting devices available; (c) whether there was appropriate safety equipment such as back restraints; or (d) whether the duties were analysed correctly. Even moderate back injuries can be career threatening with people enduring pain for many years. Employers need to be conscious of the dangers involved in lifting and carrying activities at work.

Please feel free to contact Bradford Legal workers compensation lawyers for specific advice on these issues.

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