What Does Compulsory Third Party (or CTP) Car Insurance Cover?

Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance provides owners and drivers of Western Australian registered vehicles with cover for the cost of injuries they cause to others in a motor vehicle crash anywhere in Australia. If you are not at fault then CTP insurance may provide damages (compensation) to those who are injured in a crash for the following types of losses:

  • • past and future treatment, care, and support,
  • • past and future economic loss,
  • • pain and suffering,
  • • where the injuries cause a need for assistance with care or other activities of daily living.

It is the minimum and compulsory level of cover in Australia, and you automatically get CTP insurance in WA when you pay your car registration. You can find more information about CTP insurance in WA from the Insurance Commission of WA website.

It is important to note that CTP insurance does not cover damage to cars, vehicles or property. If you are deemed to be responsible for a car accident, you could be liable for tens of thousands of dollars of damage to other cars or property if you only have CTP insurance.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that you arrange one of the below types of car insurance in addition to CTP*:

Third Party Vehicle Damage:

  • • covers you for damage, legal costs, and repairs to other (third party) vehicles or property in an accident and unless otherwise stated, third party car insurance typically does not cover you for the cost of repairs or replacement for your own car, or the cost of replacing your car if it gets stolen.
  • • Third party insurance may include uninsured driver cover, so if you are in an accident with an uninsured driver who is at fault, repairs to your car could be covered up to a limit.

Third Party Fire and Theft:

  • • A step up from third party car insurance, this level of insurance will cover damage to your car caused by fire or theft.
  • • Some insurers may include uninsured driver cover, which means if you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver and the uninsured driver is at fault, repairs to your car could be covered up to a limit.


  • • The highest level of car insurance cover. It usually covers repair and replacement of your car due to fire, theft, malicious damage, accidental damage, and weather-related damage.
  • • Covers repair and replacement of any other vehicles or property that are damaged by your car in an accident, and it covers you for the cost of repairs regardless of who is responsible for the damage. It does cost more than the other types of insurance mentioned above but gives you the most protection.

All insurers offer slightly different cover to one another so it pays to check to ensure exactly what you are covered for and to shop around for the best deal.

Car accidents are not always straight forward, and you may need legal assistance getting the compensation you deserve. Bradford Legal’s Perth based team of experienced and dedicated motor vehicle injury lawyers will fight on your behalf for the compensation you deserve as a result of your personal injury, suffered as a result of the car accident or loss. We provide legal advice at every step so you can understand more about motor vehicle accident compensation and your claim as a result of car accidents.

If you’ve recently been injured in a car accident in Perth, contact our award-winning accident compensation claims team today to discuss your motor vehicle accident injury claim.

*This information is designed to provide general guidance on issues relevant to this topic. It should not be relied on as legal advice, and does not cover everything that may be relevant to you nor does it take into account your particular circumstances. You must ensure that you seek appropriate professional advice in relation to this topic as well as to the currency, accuracy and relevance of this material for you.

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