Your Medical Injury Claims Questions Answered

When you suffer at the hands of a doctor’s negligence, you may file a medical injury claim. The first thing you should do is hire a good personal injury lawyer, such as those here at Bradford Legal.

You need someone to protect your interest and get you the compensation you are entitled to.

Medical Injury Claims By Personal Injury Lawyers Perth

What Do You Need to Prove?

There are four basic requirements for proving medical negligence. First, there must be a duty of care. Then, you must prove the duty of care was not met due to the doctor’s negligence. Finally, you must prove that damage was done and that you suffered a substantial loss as a result of that damage.

How Much Money can You Receive?

It is difficult to give a blanket estimate, as every case is different. However, we can provide some figures. In 2011, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare produced a report on medical indemnity claims in Australia. 53% of the claims were for less than $10,000. 25% of the claims fell between $10,000 and $100,000. 16% were for between $100,000 and $500,000. Only 6% were for more than $500,000.

Can You Make a Claim for a Relative who has Died?

In Australia, family members can make a claim for a death that was caused by negligence. They can even make a claim for lost future income in the case of losing the family breadwinner.

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