What Happens After Workers’ Compensation Claims are Filed?

What you need to know about the procedures and practices regarding workers’ compensation claims.

The more you know about workers’ compensation claims, the more likely you are to receive the compensation to which you are legally entitled. However, workers’ compensation is an insurance scheme, and it is most beneficial to the insurance companies to pay you the smallest amount possible. We recommend that you always have a workers’ compensation lawyer to represent your interests.

What Happens After Workers’ Compensation Claims are Filed?

How it Works

After you have submitted your workers’ compensation claim form, your employer has five working days to forward your paperwork to the insurance company. The insurance company then gets 14 days to notify you of the disposition of your claim. They can either accept the claim, deny the claim or say that they need more information to make a decision.

If they deny your claim, they must tell you why. If it gets this far and you haven’t contacted a personal injury lawyer, contact one immediately.

If they pend your claim, they also need to tell you why. If they haven’t acted within ten more days, call a lawyer immediately.

If they pay you, you will be legally obligated to adhere to a list of demands. It is beneficial to ask a lawyer to interpret these for you to ensure compliance.

What You Receive

If they accept your claim, they have to start paying you on payday until you get better and can return to work. If you have related expenses such as travel or medical, you can either charge them to the insurer or ask for a reimbursement.

Besides the weekly payments and reimbursement for expenses, you will also be eligible for a lump sum payment in case of permanent impairment. You are also eligible for workplace rehabilitation to help you return to your job.

Call Bradford Legal

If you are hurt at work, contact Bradford Legal today on 1300 738 303.

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START YOUR CLAIM Step One To Receiving The Compensation You Deserve